Little Endian vs Big Endian Exemplos de arquiteturas e arquiteturas com mais de um endianness. #include include/linux/byteorder/ From include/linux/bytorder/generic.h * Conversion of XX-bit integers (16- 32- or 64-) * between native CPU format and little/big endian format * 64-bit stuff only defined for proper architectures * cpu_to_[bl]eXX(__uXX x) * [bl]eXX_to_cpu(__uXX x) * * The same, but takes a pointer to the value to convert * cpu_to_[bl]eXXp(__uXX x) * [bl]eXX_to_cpup(__uXX x) * * The same, but change in situ * cpu_to_[bl]eXXs(__uXX x) * [bl]eXX_to_cpus(__uXX x) TODO: alignment issues!?! from generic.h