Update bootstrap, update/add all of PatternFly, add font-awesome
[cascardo/ipsilon.git] / less / patternfly / icons.less
1 //
2 // Icons
3 // --------------------------------------------------
4 // Custom icons and selections from IcoMoon - Free (http://icomoon.io/#icons)
6 @font-face {
7   font-family: '@{icon-font-name-pf}';
8   src:url('@{font-path}/@{icon-font-name-pf}.eot');
9   src:url('@{font-path}/@{icon-font-name-pf}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
10     url('@{font-path}/@{icon-font-name-pf}.ttf') format('truetype'),
11     url('@{font-path}/@{icon-font-name-pf}.woff') format('woff'),
12     url('@{font-path}/@{icon-font-name-pf}.svg#@{icon-font-name-pf}') format('svg');
13   font-weight: normal;
14   font-style: normal;
15 }
17 [class^="@{icon-prefix}-"], [class*=" @{icon-prefix}-"] {
18   display: inline-block;
19   font-family: '@{icon-font-name-pf}';
20   font-style: normal;
21   font-variant: normal;
22   font-weight: normal;
23   line-height: 1;
24   speak: none;
25   text-transform: none;
26   /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
27   -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
28   -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
29 }
31 .@{icon-prefix}-screen:before {
32   content: "\e600";
33 }
34 .@{icon-prefix}-save:before {
35   content: "\e601";
36 }
37 .@{icon-prefix}-ok:before {
38   color: @brand-success;
39   content: "\e602";
40 }
41 .@{icon-prefix}-messages:before, // class name deprecated
42 .@{icon-prefix}-flag:before {
43   content: "\e603";
44 }
45 .@{icon-prefix}-info:before {
46   content: "\e604";
47 }
48 .@{icon-prefix}-help:before {
49   content: "\e605";
50 }
51 .@{icon-prefix}-folder-open:before {
52   content: "\e606";
53 }
54 .@{icon-prefix}-folder-close:before {
55   content: "\e607";
56 }
57 .@{icon-prefix}-edit:before {
58   content: "\e60a";
59 }
60 .@{icon-prefix}-close:before {
61   content: "\e60b";
62 }
63 .@{icon-prefix}-user:before {
64   content: "\e60e";
65 }
66 .@{icon-prefix}-users:before {
67   content: "\e60f";
68 }
69 .@{icon-prefix}-add-circle-o:before {
70   content: "\e61b";
71 }
72 .@{icon-prefix}-warning-triangle-o:before {
73   color: @brand-warning;
74   content: "\e61c";
75 }
76 .@{icon-prefix}-error-circle-o:before {
77   color: @brand-danger;
78   content: "\e61d";
79 }
80 .@{icon-prefix}-service:before {
81   content: "\e61e";
82 }
83 .@{icon-prefix}-image:before {
84   content: "\e61f";
85 }
86 .@{icon-prefix}-settings:before {
87   content: "\e610";
88 }
89 .@{icon-prefix}-delete:before {
90   content: "\e611";
91 }
92 .@{icon-prefix}-print:before {
93   content: "\e612";
94 }
95 .@{icon-prefix}-refresh:before, // class name deprecated
96 .@{icon-prefix}-restart:before {
97   content: "\e613";
98 }
99 .@{icon-prefix}-running:before {
100   content: "\e614";
101 }
102 .@{icon-prefix}-import:before {
103   content: "\e615";
104 }
105 .@{icon-prefix}-export:before {
106   content: "\e616";
107 }
108 .@{icon-prefix}-history:before {
109   content: "\e617";
110 }
111 .@{icon-prefix}-home:before {
112   content: "\e618";
113 }
114 .@{icon-prefix}-cluster:before {
115   content: "\e620";
116 }
117 .@{icon-prefix}-container-node:before {
118   content: "\e621";
119 }
120 .@{icon-prefix}-project:before {
121   content: "\e622";
122 }
123 .@{icon-prefix}-registry:before {
124   content: "\e623";
125 }
126 .@{icon-prefix}-replicator:before {
127   content: "\e624";
128 }
129 .@{icon-prefix}-route:before {
130   content: "\e625";
131 }
132 .@{icon-prefix}-openshift:before {
133   content: "\e626";
134 }
135 .@{icon-prefix}-kubernetes:before {
136   content: "\e627";
137 }